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>    The missions of raising awareness


The WFL also proposes a set of recreational and educational activities in France (in the region from Montpellier) and in the countries where take place the projects. These activities realized by the members of the Association have for objective to inform and to make sensitive in the problems of the water (the resource, how save the water, the water-related diseases,...). These animations, which can be proposed in answer to calls for tenders, allow the association to find financing for his actions on the ground.

>    The technical missions


  • the installation of pumps, the supervisation of drilling of well and the realization of studies of drinkability of the water


  • the construction of the storage tanks of the water

  • the creation of the networks of adduction, by favoring when the conditions allow it, the local resources (for example the bamboo)


  • the installation, in dialogue with the village community, of borders fountains


  • the establishment of the necessary partnerships to assure the development of the local resource (bamboo, wood)


  • the training of technicians' team capable of intervening on the installed devices

  • the evaluation of the possible sources of pollution of the resource in water and the setting-up of at the same time acceptable devices by the population and adequate for the waste water treatment

To bring to a successful conclusion these diverse actions, members of the WFL are regularly going to work on the ground. Besides, to maintain narrow links between the aspiration of the population and the solutions which can be proposed by the association, the committees of follow-up, including the local actors (Mayor of village, headmaster, plumber,..), are set up in the municipalities of Africa with which we work.

We put a lot into two types of missions

The objective of the Association Water For Life (WFL) is to contribute to the development aid and to  lead actions of sustainable development in France and on the abroad in emerging countries.
Installed since 1999 to Prades-le-Lez in Herault, the Association counts about forty members.
In partnership with the public and the private institutions, the WFL  leads in Africa diverse actions to improve the distribution of the water on the scale of villages, to rationalize its exploitation and to assure its purification.

The association Water For Life is an association law 1901, established in 1988 on the initiative of 3 professionals of the water, stemming from the training BIOFORCE in Bordeaux, among which Olusegun Taïwo, the current President.

The project on the initiative of the creation of the association was the realization of a network of adduction in drinking water in two villages of Tanzania of 5000 inhabitants (1988-1989).

Then, at the request of the population, the association mobilized in Nigeria (1990-1994) to improve the access to the water of a village of 10 000 inhabitants and to Benin (on 1996-2000, Center Songhaï, Porto-Novo, technology bamboo / wood).

The first projects consisted in using a controllable technology by the local technicians trained in the maintenance and the management of the networks of water conveyance. So, the local resources were used : the bamboo (bambusa vulgaris) for pipes in Tanzania and in Nigeria.


Today and since 2004, the Association is again present in Benin and is interested at the request of localities not served in drinking water and in lack of system of purification in the region of Ouidah and Porto-Novo.

Publication in the Official Paper n°5247133f of 15/02/1988
The Association is also declared to the INSEE (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) at n°siret 504 494 006 00019

The Association

Adress :


Squared 1181, Office 411
1 st street to the right by coming from the Mosque Cadjèhoun,




Members :


- Manager :   Jean-Marie HOUNSINOU       Phone number  : 00 229 96 96 38 37
- Secretary :   André DJOSSOU       Phone number : 00 229 97 57 62 53
- Organizer and projects officer :   Maurille AGOUA       Phone number : 00 229 95 84 39 33 /97 21 75 53




Missions :



The branch of WFL in Benin

On january 29, 2011, WFL received the PRES UMSF Prestigions University of Montpellier south of France. Click            to see the video of the delivery of the award at the student salon in Montpellier


WFL rewarded

Its zone of interventions in Benin

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